Absolute Coordinates Autocad Drawing Line

Extended Data
Extended Data Draw Video Draw: Draw geometry (hatches, mtext, inserts) based on values in extended data.
Edit: Edits the MapWorks extended entity data on a single object.  Dockable palette automatically shows extended data when one object is selected.
Manager: Allows xdata management operations across a selection set of objects.
Image Process
Image Symbol Place Video Symbols: Go straight from your GPS enabled camera to CAD!  Locates symbols representing GPS Photos (with EXIF data) directly from images.  Creates a hyperlink to the image, projects to drawing system, rotates to view (if bearing data exists), and more.
Image Inspect Video Link Inspect: Shows linked images in a resizable preview window as you move the crosshair over objects (such as polyline house outlines) containing links.
Image TMS Tiles Video TMS Images: Builds insert-able images from TMS (Tile Map Service) servers.  Produce plan view maps, satellite imagery or terrain images.
GPS Update: Select inserts with hyperlinks and updates the GPS Exif (geotagging information) in source images.  Adds GPS properties to images that never had geotag information.
Plot Rasters: Plots multiple layouts to rasters at specified resolution and creates companion world files.
Resolution: Change (lower) the resolution of a selection set of image while maintaining size and position.
World: Inserts multiple TIF/JPG/PNG/SID images based on world files or creates a World TFW/JGW/PGW/SDW file from a selected image (even rotated).
Other Tools
Calculator: Dialog based tool to calculate all curve parameters based on two known values.
Complement: Generates the complement for a selected arc.
Controlled Fit: Generates a fit arc or circles through multiple points.  Toggle or control weights with interactive feedback of the curve results.
Pnt, Pnt, Pnt: Draws an arc object though three picked points in any direction.
Pnt, Tan, Tan: Draws an arc through a point with two selected tangent segments.
Quick Fit: Draws a fit arc through multiple picked points along path.
Rad, Pnt, Pnt: Generates an arc object from known endpoints and radius.
Radius, Direction: Generates an arc object based on known Radius, Direction In/Out.
Tangent: Draws a tangent arc from the endpoint of a selected line/polyline segment.
Map Grid: Draws a map grid with optional lines/tics and labels.
Network Buffer: Creates buffer polylines around line network.
Point File: Draws the contents of an X,Y,Z ascii file as points.
Polyline Midway: Generates a polyline midway between two selected polylines.
Slope Lines: Draws three dimensional slope lines between two linear objects with optional slope arrows.
Thiessen Polygons: Creates Thiessen polygons (Voronoi Diagram) from a selection of points and a boundary.
Traverse: Draw polylines by distances and numerous angle options.
Import: Imports the plan view map section of a SWMM .INP file along with tables.
Make Input: Makes Epa SWMM input file from selected named boundaries.
Surface: Generates surfaces from z values in EPA SWMM Report file.
Layer Order: Reorder objects by layer with simple move up/down buttons, settings saved in the drawing for next use.

Legends: Generates (and updates) a symbol legend and/or linetype legend reflecting those objects actually used in the drawing.  The symbol legend can contain normal block inserts and/or symbols referenced by AeccCogoPoint objects.
Linetypes: Quickly create symbolic linetypes (arrows, bullets, numbers, shapes, etc) or text based linetypes based on characters you enter.
Map FileGDB: Import and Export *.GDB folders directly to/from CAD geometry (with extended data).
Map File Export Video Map Export: Export drawing geometry to several formats.
• Autodesk Breakline File (*.flt)
• Carlson SurvCADD Polyline File (*.pln)
• ESRI Generate Polyline File (*.gen)
• ESRI Shape File (*.shp)
• GeoJSON Open Standard (*.geojson)
• Golden Software Blanking/Boundary (*.bln)
• GPS Exchange Format (*.gpx)
• MapInfo Data Interchange Format (*.mif/mid)
• Moss/MX Genio String Files (*.mos)
• OpenGIS Simple Features Text (*.txt)
Map File Import Video Map Import: Import major formats produced by ESRI, civil applications and government agencies. This tool allows you to select multiple files and quickly import mapping information directly into your CAD drawing.  Our Import tool has been tested with massive files, including a 3GB SHP/DBF from a major city.
• Autodesk Breakline File (*.flt)
• Carlson SurvCADD Polyline File (*.pln)
• ContourGPS Export Files (*.csv)
• ESRI Generate Polyline File (*.gen;*.ung)
• ESRI Shape File (*.shp)
• GeoJSON Open Standard (*.geojson)
• Geography Markup Language (*.gml)
• Golden Software Blanking/Boundary (*.bln)
• Google Earth KMZ/KML Files (*.kmz,*.kml)
• GPS Exchange Format (*.gpx)
• LandXML Industry Consortium (*.xml)
• MapInfo Data Interchange Format (*.mif)
• Moss/MX Genio String Files (*.mos;*.inp)
• Norwegian SOSI Spatial Info (*.sos)
• NovaPoint Survey Data File (*.kof)
• Open Street Map Files (*.osm)
• Ordnance Survey MasterMap GZip (*.gz)
• USGS Digital Line Graph (*.dlg;*.opt)

The import tool can do a coordinate projection during import.  Simply assign source systems for each file (some auto-detected) and a target system.  If you don't see your format listed, contact us.  We are always looking to add additional formats to our list.

Map Publish: Publish your drawing to KML (Google Earth) or HTM file using Google Maps or Leaflet to display the drawing in a browser.  Push the html file to your web server and anyone (with an internet connection) can view the map using any type of device or browser.
Replace: Find/Replace names and descriptions in Civil objects (such as Alignments & Surfaces).
Draw Parking Features Video Parking: Draw parking lot lines in rapid automation (see flash demo at left).
Parcels Deed Reader Video Assign Elev: Assigns elevations to polyline contours by simply striking a line across the polylines.  Turn a large flat topo drawing into a workable 3D contour drawing in a matter of minutes!
Delete Int: Deletes intermediate polyline contours.  Reduce a dataset for quicker processing when intermediate contours are not important.
Elevations: Edit the elevations of polylines in a table with sorting and factor application commands.
Group Tools: Group polyline contours under a name for other operations such as PolyContour Volumes, Stage Table and Stage Graph.
Label: Label polyline contours using CAD text linetypes.  As the polyline is edited, the label moves with the changes.
Layer Index: Assigns polyline contours to specific layers based on its elevation value.  Useful for layerizing a contour map with no (or improper) layer assignments.
Shape Read: Import contours from shapefiles with elevations and optionally layers assigned.
Volumes: Displays average contour area volumes from selected polylines, and can generate a stage storage graph from the table.  Can also use contours to create a Civil3D Surface for true volume results.
Scale XYZ: Scales a selection set of objects with independent x,y,z scale factors.
Symbol Manager Video Symbols: A tool for managing both the symbols provided in MapWorks and your own user symbols.
Previews: You can assign a scale factor from 10% to 200% to resize the DWG preview bitmaps.
Details: A single click gives you operating system file details along with properties embedded in the drawing, as accessed from the DWGPROPS command.
Symbols: A large collection of symbols in the areas of arrows, mining, points, road plan, shapes, trees, utility, and vehicles can be downloaded with a single click inside the symbol manager.
Draw Text Along Video Text on Objects: Draw text along linear objects such as lines, arcs, polylines, etc.
 Transform: Transform (rubbersheet) object coordinates using three known points on two systems using Affine, Helmert or Sixparm transforms.
Trimble: Tool for importing symbols, layers and description keys from Trimble Feature Definition (FXL) files.

Audit: Audits a selection set of figures for problems such as self intersection, etc.
Break: Breaks a selection set of figures at specified distances, elevations, a surface, vertices, etc.
Clockwise: Set the direction of a selection set of figures to Clockwise or Counterclockwise.
Close: Closes a selection set of figures by standard close or building close (adding the back corner).
Connect: Automatically connect points to form new figures.  Specify description matches (like EP,BC,TC) to form multiples in a single process.
Convert: Converts a selection set of figures to a designated type (such FeatureLines 2dPolylines with arcs, 3dPolylines, Splines, etc).
Daylight: Draws daylight figure and extension lines at a specified slope to a selected surface.
Delete Labels: Erases all labels on a selection set of figures.
Difference: Returns differences between a primary figure and another figure or a surface.  Details including min/max, avg, median.
Elevations: Raise, lower or flatten a selection set of figures.  Surface options to set at the centroid, average of elevations along or inside figure.
Grade: Applies grading to any portion of a 3D figure, adjusts elevations based on various parameters such as elevations entered, grade, plane, or projection method.
Label: When toggled on, displays tics & elevations at vertices, slopes and distance along segments.  Aids all built-in editing by showing changes from any tool used.  High/Low points are marked with suffixes like 123.45 HP and downhill is marked with arrows.
Mark: Place a point object or temporary marker at the centroid, common points, elevations, origin, surface, or vertices of figures.
Mirror: Mirrors a FeatureLine object with prompts like AutoCAD.
Figure Linked Offsets Video Offsets:
Linked: Multiple horizontal and vertical offsets created and linked to a figure.  If the figure changes by any operation (such as grip editing) the offsets are updated as well.
Standard: Unlinked offsets of multiple figures using horz/vert distance, flow direction.
Origin: Changes the origin point of a selected closed figure.7
Output: Output the name, northing, easting, elevation and radius values of a selection set to various targets (Excel, Word, files).
Points: Reports points (number, coordinates, distance, offset) along figures within tolerances.
Figure Project Surface Video Project: Project from a figure on a specified slope intersecting a surface.  Simply move around the figure picking points to generate featurelines.
Remove: Convert arcs to multi-chord approximations in a selections set.
Report: Displays coordinates, direction/distance and curve details along with summary information.
Restore: Restores true arc segments in figures with short segments approximating arcs.
Scale: Tools to scale figures to specified area, length, etc.
Select: Build a selection set of figures by area, length, elevation range and other parameters.
Adjust: Adjusts one end of a figure segment to a specified slope distance, specified elevation, or intersection of a selected surface.
Area Slide: Slides a selected segment in or out to obtain a designated area.
Reverse: Reverses all segments of a selection set of figures.
Straighten: Straightens segments between two picked points (by removing intermediate vertices).
Site: Backup stores the current site information so that the site can be restored at any time after being moved to another site.  Unlike Civil3D's built in commands, the move/copy work when multiple site figures are selected.
(Requires Civil3D 2015 or higher)
Snap: Snaps the vertices of a selection set of figures to nearby CogoPoint locations (with specified horz distance tolerance).
Subdivide: Subdivides a four point figure, useful in PLSS systems.
Summary: Generates a report of information on a selection set of figures, such as area and length, grades, elevations, etc.
Traverse: Quickly draw figures primarily by distances using numerous angle options.   Very useful for house perimeters.
Commit: Commit secondary vertices on figures to primary vertices.
Densify: Densify figures by specifying distance along segments.  Converts lines/arcs to polylines.
Fillet3d: Fillets a selection set of figures with corner rounding options.
Insert: Quickly insert vertices in an existing figure with various options.
Linear: Removes multiple vertices (unneeded) in a virtual straight line based on deflection.
TagEdit: Unique method to edit figure vertex elevations by changing temporary text tags.
Weed: Weed (remove) unnecessary vertices in a selection set of figures.

Breakup: Breaks linear geometry (including polylines) and removes duplicate segments.
Convert: Converts a selection set of linear objects (and hatches) to parcels, obtains parcel name from contained text.
Parcel Deed Input Video Deed Input: Allows the input of deed calls (bearing/distance) along with curve options.  All input is on the number pad for fast entry and the results are drawn as each segment is completed.  You can save your input at any time, make changes and replay the script in case of bad input.
Details: Detailed report about a single parcel.  Includes point number and description (found at parcel point), bearings, distances, and all curve data.  When an alignment is selected the station/offset can even be included.
Draw Polylines: Creates polylines along multiple parcels matching origin and direction
Draw Setbacks: Creates setback offsets with separate values for front, side, and back.
Label: Select multiple (or all) parcels and label bearings, distances and curve data.
Parcel Deed Reader Video Reader: Open a file containing a legal description (or paste text from clipboard) and with a single click, the bearings & distances are parsed to a grid with coordinates and closure calculated.  Most curves are detected, including support for radial-in, radial-out.  Includes built in curve calculator for stubborn segments.  Once closure is acceptable another click draws the boundary in CAD.
Rename: Rename a selection set of parcels by specifying a find/replace string.
Select: Select parcels by area range, name or site (with wildcards).
Shape Read: Reads an ESRI Shapefile (Type Polygon) creating parcels and extended data (PropertyData).
Shape Write: Saves parcel geometry and extended data into a ESRI ShapeFile (Type Polygon).
Site: Lists each site with each parcel name, area, description and output to various.
Summary: Includes basics such as parcel properties (like area) as reported by Civil3D but also has the ability to collect the parcel bearing/distance and curve labels and do a true map check.  Can even obtain the data from line/curve tables when tags (such as L1, C1) exist.
Legal Description Writer Video Writer: Creates highly customizable Legal Descriptions directly from C3D Parcels or CAD geometry.  Contains a capable word processor, or you can export the description to Microsoft Word in a single click.
Alignment References: Fields are included allowing corners to reference a designated alignment.  You can include the alignment name, the side (left/right) and the station and offset in the description.
Instant Results: Immediately upon selecting objects or a defined parcel, the results are shown to the right in our editor.
Real Closure: As each description is being generated, the calls created are collected to calculate closure. These calls are re-traversed, as if the calls were manually entered into a traverse routine to check closure.
Objects Support: For quick legals, you can simply select a closed polyline or a collection of lines and arcs to form the boundary.
Commencement Paths: When you need to describe how to get to the beginning of the description, you can choose a multi-segment polyline or a collection of lines and arcs.
Acquire Descriptions: Collects all the potential descriptions from the drawing, text and mtext objects, along with description attributes from AECC points or point blocks.  When the legal is being created it looks through the potential description collection for the closest description found.  If it's within the designated distance, it is placed in the body of the legal (using the [PntDesc] field).
Expression Fields: Dozens of fields are defined to use as placeholders for everything from ArcLength to Time.
Number Words: Instead of using digits for the results, you can choose to use number words.

Auto Draw: Automatically connects field points with 2D or 3D linework and symbols.  Generates 2DPoly, 2DPolyFit, 3DPoly, Spline or C3D feature objects as controlled by the user for each code.

● Supports Autodesk Fieldbook, Carlson FTF, Eagle Point Coding, Trimble TGO, AASHTO SDMS Figure Code or Generic Connect methods.
● Works straight from selected point objects in the drawing or an external point file.
● Handles curve codes to form arc segments on 2DPolys or automatically graded segmented 3DPolys.
● Establish reusable definition files for different projects or clients.

Average: Averages selected points with analysis allowing creation of average point.
Centroids: Creates a point at the centroid of a selection set of objects with numerous centroid options.
Clusters: Analyzes multiple clusters of (duplicate or nearly duplicate) points and removes all but one point in each cluster.
Compare: Compare designated points with all points that reside within a specified search radius.
These tools convert other geometry into CogoPoints.
Blocks: Converts blocks in the current drawing to application points.
Explode: Converts by temporarily exploding objects and obtaining properties.
Labels: Converts surface elevation labels to Cogo points.
Leaders: Converts leaders with associated or nearby text to system points.
Nodes: Converts nodal objects (like circles, inserts, points) to CogoPoints.
Text: Converts text objects in the drawing to application points with the ability to obtain the coordinates from adjacent geometry such as points, inserts, circles or even crossing lines.
Blocks: Create inserts easily using (likely auto-detected) mapping of point UDP to attributes.  Optionally use a UDP to further scale the geometry (but not the attributes) which is great for trees, etc.
Description Keys: Allows management, import and export of description keys, including direct XLSx read and write.
Difference: Calculates elevation difference between points and a surface with an optional alignment reference.  Results can be added as Point UDP on the existing point, or new points created at the difference value.
Duplicates: Deletes duplicates points based on same or close coordinates.
Elevations: Sets the elevation of selected points to absolute, relative values or acquired elev from objects or a surface.
Export: Exports designated points to supported file formats.
Combine: Combines multiple point files into a single target file.
Compare: Compares two point files with detailed comparison report.
Convert Multiple: Converts multiple point files to a designated target format.
Convert Text: Converts a single text file (space, comma, tab delimited) to defined format.
View/Print: Quickly view point files with details as file is clicked.
Grid: Add multiple points evenly spaced on a rectangular grid.
Groups: Manage point groups including adding, deleting, renaming and more.  Quickly add/remove points by description match, elevation range, inside linear object or window, number range, etc.
Harvest: Harvests all points from a folder (and subfolders) or selected files. The source files can be CAD drawing files or any point database format the application can read.  Output to CSV, KML for Google Earth or HTM reports including used/unused ranges and duplicate reports.
Hyperlink: Generates hyperlinks on the point to image files referenced in the description.
Import: Imports points from multiple point database formats into the current drawing.  On 2013 or higher, extended fields become point user defined properties (automatically created using file headings).
Interpolated: Creates all qualifying points on line using two points, beginning elevation and increment.
Intersect: Intersection of Bearing-Bearing, Bearing-Distance, Distance-Distance, 4 Points.
Inverse: Inverses between points (pick or number), echoes coordinates, azimuths, bearings, horz/vert distance and slope.
Arc: Specify a hub point, two target points (clockwise), also returns included angle.
Normal: Simply specify two points for each inverse.
Radial: Specify a hub point and a point range to inverse.
Sequential: Continuously enter point numbers, returns total distance at end.
Leaders: Automatically extends the labels of selected CogoPoints using various methods, including radial for clusters.
Line: Add multiple points (with interpolated elevation) between two points.
List: Quick command line table layout listing of selected points.
Objects: Add points at the vertices or specified intervals along a selection set of objects.
Offsets: Add multiple points that are offsets of a line defined by two points.
Radial: Add multiple points at a specified distance around a point.
Renumber: Renumber using one of four methods.  Use All (Civil3D CogoPoint order), Database (order created), Increment (add/subtract to a selection) or Sequential (sequentially number a selection).
Report: Generates detailed point reports with user controlled columns.  Includes Lat/Lon and alignment station/offset fields. Save entire report as HTML or data tabel only to CSV, DBF, XML, etc.  Also include extended point data columns (Civil3D UDP)!
Rotate: Rotate multiple points (in place) to angle of adjacent geometry.
Scale: Scales points from a picked point with optional preservation of elevations.
Select: Select points by number range, raw or full description, or elevation range.
Set Next: Set the point number to use for the next CogoPoint added (using any process).
Single: Add single points based on known or picked coordinates.
Slope: Add a point at a picked location with elevation calculated at designated slope.
Snap: Moves points perpendicular to designated linear segments, toward center on curves, snapping the point to the segment.
Spreadsheet: Allows single or mass changes to point data in a spreadsheet grid.
Stakeout: Generates a customizable report based on a specified setup and backsight point.
Status: Returns used and free (available) point numbers in the drawing.
ShapeFile: Import points from a ShapeFile to the current drawing.
Export points in a point group to a ESRI ShapeFile, including extended fields like lat/long and even include UDPs).
Transform: Performs rotation, scale and translate based on relationships between points.
Traverse: Allows typed entry of raw traverse data and importing from multiple formats.  User configurable editor allows quick and easy entry of traverses in angle right, azimuth, deflection, bearing & distance and more.  Define loops and calculate closure.  Plots resulting points and optional traverse and sideshot lines.  Imports raw data files.
• DotSoft Raw Data (*.drd)
• AASHTO SDMS Project (*.prj)
• Autodesk Fieldbook (*.fbk)
• Leica GSI Raw Data (*.gsi)
• MinePro Loop (*.lup)
• Sokkia SDR (*.sdr)
• Topcon FC-6/GTS-7 (*.gts7)
• Tripod Data Systems (*.rw5)
Wrap: Draws a shrinkwrap boundary around a selection set of points.
Zoom: Zooms (center) to entered point numbers and echoes coordinates.
Load Formats Save Formats
• AGT ProCogo Files (*.cgo;*.cgx)
• AASHTO SDMS Calculated File (*.cal)
• Autodesk Land Desktop (*.mdb)
• Autodesk Uploadable File (*.auf)
• C&G Survey Coordinates (*.crd)
• Carlson Survey/SurvCADD (*.crd)
• CivilSoft Coordinates (*.pro)
• Comma Separated Ascii (*.csv)
• Excel OpenXML Spreadsheet (*.xlsx)
• LandXML Industry Consortium (*.xml)
• Leica GSI Coordinate Extraction (*.gsi)
• Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets (*.xls)
• Simplicity Point File (*.zak)
• TDS Binary Coordinate Files (*.cr5)
• TDS Binary JOB File (*.job)
• Trimble JOB XML File (*.jxl)
• AASHTO SDMS Calculated File (*.cal)
• ASCII Text File (*.txt)
• Autodesk Uploadable File (*.auf)
• Carlson Survey/SurvCADD (*.crd)
• CivilSoft Coordinates (*.pro)
• Comma Separated Ascii (*.csv)
• dBase Database File (*.dbf)
• Drawing Exchange File (*.dxf)
• Drawing Script File (*.scr)
• ESRI Shape File (*.shp)
• Excel OpenXML Spreadsheet (*.xlsx)
• LandXML Industry Consortium (*.xml)
• Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets (*.xls)
• TDS (Tripod Data Systems) (*.cr5)

If you don't see your format listed, contact us.  We are always looking to add additional formats to our list.

Catchment Report: Generates a detailed report of selected catchments with control over report columns, single click export to Excel, etc.
Commands: Various processes on multiple surfaces such as rebuild, snapshot, etc.
Cross Section Conversion Video Convert Sections: Converts cross sections to plan view 3dPolys along an alignment. Requires a centerline alignment and sections (as polylines).
Convert Type: Convert a TinSurface to a GridSurface and vice-versa.  The original surface remains and can optionally be removed by the user.
Delete Points: Deletes multiple points from a selected surface based on rules such as relative position.
Draw Mesh: Draws a mesh object draped on an existing surface with labeling options.
Elevation Labels:
Alignment: Adds labels along alignments at specified station parameters and multiple offsets.
Objects: Adds labels at the vertices or specified intervals along a selection set of objects.
Convert: Convert a selection set of inserts, points, text/mtext or AeccPoints to surface elevation labels.
Duplicate: Duplicates selected elevation labels to current layer and selected surface.
Export: Export a selection set of elevation labels to a comma separated values (CSV) file.
Import: Import comma or space delimited ascii files, creating elevation labels at designated locations.
High/Low: Adds labels at the high and low points of a selected surface.
Rotate: Rotates selected elevation labels to angles of adjacent geometry segments or a relative angle.
Stats: Places a static mtext label reflecting the min/max/avg elevation of a selection set of ElevLabels.
Export: Quickly export multiple selected surfaces to separate files.
Extract: Quickly extract borders, contours (major & minor), faces, or points from multiple selected surfaces.
Face Tools: Tools to manipulate 3dFaces, including surface area, set direction, normals, offsets and more.

Grade Path: Generate a FeatureLine along a surface at a given design slope.  This interactive tool allows you to specify directions to handle switchbacks and more.

Grade Vectors: Generates 3D Vectors and information from block insert pointers and attributes.
Grid Reconstruct: Recreate a grid file from ortho drawing geometry such as points, lines, or 3dfaces.
Import: Imports multiple surfaces (TIN or GRID) from multiple selected files.

Incremental Volumes: Calculates horizontal slice volumes at multiple specified elevations on a surface.
Mass Points: Import multiple Lidar files (including binary LAS, LAZ (Compressed LAS), Leica Cyclone*.PTS, PCD & XYZ/XYZi) or any other supported surface format with data reducing constraints.  Select point cloud classification (such as ground) to limit the resulting TinSurface.  No need to jump through hoops like Recap, no need to reduce data to a grid like MAPCREATEPCSURFACE.   Projects points between coordinate systems. Isolate by bounding object, elevation ranges, and interval.  Reduces data burden by as much as 90%+ without sacrificing quality (for contours).  Output to drawing points, external file or directly to a TinSurface.

Additional Lidar tools include:

Combine: Combines multiple lidar files into a single compressed LAZ file.
Convert: Convert multiple surface file formats to Lidar LAZ files.
Color: Assigns colors to lidar points based on loaded aerial images.
Crop: Crops a LAS/LAZ file at the extents of a selected object, creating a new file.
Edit: Various tools to edit LAS/LAZ files inside the CAD engine.
Ground: Uses downloaded reference surface to add ground classifications to Lidar files.
List: Detailed report in browser of point count, coordinate window, elevation min/max, etc.
Make: Creates a lidar file from points on entities (including surfaces).
Pads: Generates polylines of areas where holes exist in lidar such as bldg pads.
Plot: Plots selected lidar files as point objects in the drawing.
Project: Projects lidar from a source to target coordinate system, saves as a different file name.
Rotate: Rotates a Lidar file based on a rotation angle.
Scale: Scales a Lidar file in XY, Z or ZYZ based on parameters.
Split: Splits a single large lidar tile into multiple smaller files.
Tiles: Quickly draw and label the 3D bounding box of a selection of binary Lidar LAS/LAZ files.
Surface Pad Design Video Pad Design: Generates a 3d (building) pad from a simple polyline at the desired elevation, including automatic daylighting to existing ground.  Simply specify parameters and select the geometry.
Pond Design: Design a pond using a starting featureline, specified side slopes and desired volume.  Creates the other featureline, two TinSurfaces and a VolumeSurface.
Pond Spill: Determines contours up to spill point and creates a polycontour group ready for stage table or graphs.
Processor: Processes one or more surfaces to create other surfaces by factors or elevation analysis (min elev, etc).
Slope Labels:
Add: Adds labels at the vertices or specified intervals along a selection set of objects.
Convert: Convert a selection set of inserts, leaders (from LDT), points, text or AeccPoints to slope labels.
Export: Export a selection set of slope labels to a comma separated values (CSV) file.
Import: Import comma or space delimited ascii files, creating slope labels at designated locations.
High/Low: Adds slope labels at the high and low points of a selected surface.
List: Create report of north, east, slope, style and more.  Output to drawing tables, external (CSV) files and more.
Offset: Add slope labels along a selected linear object.  Options for begin/ending stations, interval and left/right offsets.
Style: Assign styles to a selection set of slope labels by designated ranges.
Solid Make: Creates a 3dSolid using relative depth, absolute elevation, or a second surface.
Solid Split: Split 3dSolids into two surfaces at specified elevation.
Statistics: Collects statistics on selected surface (including extended info like plane/surface area) with numerous outputs (file save, list, mtext, table, etc).
Style Visibility: Toggles all surfaces between currently assigned style and no display.
TIN Reconstruct: Recreates a TIN file from drawing geometry such as PolyMeshes or 3dFaces.
Trim: Trims a Tin or Grid surface to a linear object boundary.  Actually reduces (trims) the data from the surface, not just a mask.
Volumes: Calculate quick triangulated volumes from CAD layers with printable report.
Web Elevations: Creates a surface (or insert/export points) on a grid interval with the elevations returned by the Bing, Google, or the USGS Elevation Service.
Load Cloud Formats Save Cloud Formats
• ASTM E57 Point Cloud (*.e57)
• Autodesk Point Cloud File (*.pcg)
• Comma Separated X,Y,Z Values (*.csv)
• Generic XYZ Mass Points (*.xyz)
• Generic XYZI Mass Points (*.xyzi)
• Leica Cyclone Point Scan (*.pts)
• Lidar Light Detection And Ranging (*.las)
• LasZip Compressed Lidar (*.laz)
• Point Cloud Data Ascii (*.pcd)
• Topcon Point Cloud File (*.cl3)
• Comma Separated X,Y,Z Values (*.csv)
• Generic XYZ Mass Points (*.xyz)
• Generic XYZI Mass Points (*.xyzi)
• Leica Cyclone Point Scan (*.pts)
• Lidar Light Detection And Ranging (*.las)
• LasZip Compressed Lidar (*.laz)
• Point Cloud Data Ascii (*.pcd)
• Topcon Point Cloud File (*.cl3)
Load Grid Formats Save Grid Formats
• Carlson SurvCADD Grid (*.grd)
• ENVI Raster Band Interleaved (*.bil)
• Erdas Imagine Raster Image (*.img)
• ESRI ArcGrid Floating Point (*.adf)
• ESRI ArcView Ascii Grid (*.asc)
• ESRI ArcView Binary Grid (*.flt)
• GeoReferenced Tagged Image Format (*.tif)
• Grid Exchange File (*.gxf)
• MapWorks Surface Grid (*.msg)
• NGA Digital Terrain Elev Data Level 0-2 (*.dt#)
• SAGA Binary Grid (*.sdat)
• Surfer Ascii/Binary Grid (*.grd)
• USGS Digital Elevation Model (*.dem)
• VTP Binary Terrain (*.bt)
• Carlson SurvCADD Grid (*.grd)
• Comma Separated Values XYZ (*.csv)
• Drawing Exchange File (*.dxf)
• ENVI Raster Band Interleaved (*.bil)
• Erdas Imagine Raster Image (*.img)
• ESRI ArcView Ascii Grid (*.agr)
• ESRI ArcView Binary Grid (*.flt)
• GeoReferenced Tagged Image Format (*.tif)
• Grid Exchange File (*.gxf)
• MapWorks Surface Grid (*.msg)
• SAGA Binary Grid (*.sdat)
• Surfer Ascii/Binary Grid (*.grd)
• VTP Binary Terrain (*.bt)
Load TIN Formats Save TIN Formats
• Autodesk Binary TIN/PNT (*.tin)
• Carlson Binary TIN (*.tin)
• ESRI ADF TinSurface (tdenv.adf)
• ESRI ArcInfo UnGenTin (*.net)
• GoCAD Tsurf Format (*.ts)
• LandXML Single Surface (*.xml)
• Leica Terrain Model (*.trm)
• MapWorks Surface Tin (*.mst)
• Topcon Surface Ascii Tin (*.tn3)
• Trimble Tin Model (*.ttm)
• VTP Intermediate Tin (*.itf)
• Comma Separated Values XYZ (*.csv)
• Drawing Exchange File (*.dxf)
• ESRI ArcInfo UnGenTin (*.net)
• GoCAD Tsurf Format (*.ts)
• LandXML Single Surface (*.xml)
• MapWorks Surface Tin (*.mst)
• Topcon Surface Ascii Tin (*.tn3)
• VTP Intermediate Tin (*.itf)

If you don't see your format listed, contact us.  We are always looking to add additional formats to our list.


Source: https://www.dotsoft.com/c3dtools.htm

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